Twenty-five years ago Schumacher College was founded as a centre for discussion and learning around the subjects of ecology and spirituality. This year the college decided to go back to its founding roots and created the MA Ecology and Spirituality, affiliated with University of Wales Trinity St David (Lampeter). These subjects have been at the heart of what the college does since it's beginning, and it was such an honour to be a participant on this exciting new course.
I have been thinking for a while now about starting a family one day, but I always felt like I would not want to bring a child into this world if they have to struggle and suffer for survival, which is what I see around me every day. This is one of my main motivations for beginning this blog: I want to bring my child up to be the best and happiest they can be, and I don't see how I can do that within the current system that we have. So one thing I want to research is alternative schooling. Our family friend Mandy home schooled her son Dan, so I wanted to learn from them about their experiences. They invited their friends Susan and her son Simon to talk to me too. This is our fascinating conversation...
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