![]() Salah-Eddin Gherbi is astrophysicist by training, spiritualist by nature, and all things sacred geometry by destiny. He has just published his debut book The Etheric Particle 216 Unifying Matter and Spirit. I grab the chance to speak to him about it before the books' launch. ''The numerical universe revealed from Glastonbury, deciphered from crop circles, ancient measures, astronomy, mathematics and physics, bringing a new understanding of the fifth element or the ether. This book presents a unified theory of science, metaphysics, the philosophy of divine nature and geometry, encoding harmonic numbers from the Bible, folklore and ancient scriptures, revealing a unique template uniting microcosm with macrocosm.'' -Salah-Eddin Gherbi When did you first become interested in sacred geometry? I first discovered sacred geometry in Glastonbury around October 2012. I was very curious, reading many books and opening to the subject. I met different people and talked to them about it. One of my biggest influences was Melchizedek. Step by step I started to love sacred geometry more and more. What is it about sacred geometry that you love? I love the mathematics. Maths has been my background since school, where I studied astrophysics. I realised that the bridge between spirituality and science is geometry and mathematics. To me mathematics presents a theory of the unification of everything: all is connected. Just look at the Flower of Life symbol, circles interlocking each other. It's about being in relation to and united with anything in the universe. This of course is different to what we learn at school, we learn that everything is separate, but particles are not separate, they are connected. Using geometry can help us understand the fundamental interaction of everything in the universe. How is your book different? I look at the 4 forces in universe that mainstream scientists agree on: electromagnetism, gravity, strong and weak nuclear energy, and I unify them using geometry. At the moment we think of these forces as separate: we believe that gravity is different to electromagnetism. Scientists miss that they are connected. I look at how these forces work together and talk about the 5th force, the spiral energy. We can clearly see this energy in nature, when looking at a snail shell for example. This is how can we bridge the root of the forces in the universe, and geometry can help. In the book I talk a lot about the ether: the 5th element (hence the name of the book, The Etheric Particle 216). Many deny this as an element, the mainstream does not recognise it as such, but Plato talked about it. He talks about the 5 geometric shapes called the Platonic solids (tetrahedron, cube, octahedron, dodecahedron and icosahedron), and how each shape relates to an element: earth, air, fire, water, ether. The 5th element must be taken into consideration, as it helps us to see we are connected to everything human or non-human. We could call it the spirit element. This message can help people see and experience the spiral as the expression of the ether, which is inside us as well as everywhere in the universe. Tell me about the numbers... My book is about the language of numbers: in a numerological way everything is connected. I give many illustrations of numerological connections. An example is the slope angle of the Great Pyramid at Giza: 51.84 degrees. We can see this exact angle in the rainbow, in the deviation between first and second rainbows. This number (51.84) is also reflected in the Mayan calendar predictions: 5,184 years is mentioned in their calendar cycles. So this same number is expressed in 2 different fields: angles and time. Numbers connect physics, geometry, meteorology, astronomy. There was a time when it was all common knowledge, when everything shared a common source, perhaps the time of Atlantis or even further back. I present in my book those points of common knowledge and come back to the history of that knowledge. One example of this is how embryonic stages are shown through sacred geometry, explaining how the foetus grows. This is one part of the sacred knowledge, but I encompass many fields including biology, physics, alchemy and magic. What are you hoping to achieve? I am doing it for my own interest but also to help people rediscover this ancient knowledge. If we can come back to the science of that time, then we come back to heart centre. We can use the right side of the brain more: at the moment we use too much of the left side of the brain, and not enough intuition. It will benefit the planet to help people rediscover the flow, and use their intuition. I am covering a huge subject from different angles. I may get in trouble from those wanting to stay in the old foundation: I expect negativity as well as positivity, and some will remain neutral. This book comes from my inner perspective, I used much meditative thought, and some research helped me to lay out the knowledge. I use Biblical quotes, facts from other sources and my inner knowledge. I just sit and allow, we are here to receive, we forget to open the door to receive, we ignore it, but it's there. I open my heart to receive. Everyone is divine, everyone can get that message, you are the main source, it's not coming from somewhere else. You are the one who can get access to that knowledge. In the book I insist on my readers feeling the divine connection from within, through maths and geometry, but deeper as well. How can we apply it in everyday life? This book is the theoretical background, my next step aims to bring in more practical work as to how humans can apply this energy and experience it. This will be my next journey, for now I lay out the theory. Don't know what's going to happen. I will probably do some workshops, I did one last week about geometry, representing the relationship between Earth and the Moon. Places like Stone Henge and Giza used the relationship Earth-Moon, and if we go even deeper we can find out a lot about this energy. In future workshops I can apply knowledge of the theory into practical work. Or maybe there will be another book. My psychic friend tells me that my second book will be a best-seller! First one may be slower, but perhaps will still be a best-seller! The universe is opening the doors for me, and it's telling me that this book is only part of my work here. I am just doing it, then letting go and seeing what the next step is. I must do this or I will miss what is coming to me, and there is so much to come. Where can I get the book? It is available now on Create Space and Amazon. (links below!) I am self publishing, and people can access it by choosing print on demand. There will also be an eBook version, but the full printed colour version is better. People need to see the pictures as it's important to visualise. I balance a lot between art and numbers, trying to avoid complicated equations. There is only simple maths for the readers to assimilate. Each person will pick up what they need to from it. I have been writing it for 9 months, like growing a baby! I am about to give birth to a spiritual child, and it will run the lengths of the planet and say hello to many people: hopefully it will pass everyone. I trust the spirit and the flow that it will get where it needs to. How does it feel now its really close? I feel like a mother about to give birth! I feel excitement, nervousness, and total focus on the birth. And as I said it's been 9 months! That whole time I have been guided by spirit, I have given over so much to faith to write this book. I had no resources, just my heart and trust. When we have faith in what we can do for people and for the collective, we are being helped by spirit: I felt and experienced this. I was writing every single day, never giving up, even when I had nothing to live on. When you feel the flow, everything is easy, it is clear you are on the right path. I must mention Michael, my friend. He helped me lay out my book and helped me with my English (Salah is French!). Thank you for all your help Michael! One last thing: What is the one thing you write about that really touches you, the one gem you are giving the world? I am giving mathematical evidence of the divine connection in us, and how we all embody oneness. When I talk about this in my book it opens my heart, and knowing people will read this has touched my heart already. I would like to see our society stepping forward into the heart centre in terms of science, remembering our connection with spiritual world. In Glastonbury many have this awareness, but in other places not so much. People are waiting for hope, light, and guidance. People have been stuck in the same place for so long, this book will stir the nest, and send ripples out to other people and places. I am so excited to see all the different reactions! Well, Salah, I have read the sample of the book and while there are a lot of numbers involved (I am not a number person!), I am extremely intrigued and can't wait to read the rest. Best wishes for this book and for your future. Buy the book now on Amazon: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Etheric-Particle-216-Unifying-Matter/dp/1527207900/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1492330254&sr=8-1&keywords=the+etheric+particle Create Space: https://www.createspace.com/6980510?ref=1147694&utm_id=6026 Download a sample of the book here: https://universalzeropoint.com/sample/ Link for Amazon coming soon! Many thanks to Ellise Toop for asking great questions during this interview!
April 2017