![]() The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know is Possible Charles Eisenstein Remember this quote from The Matrix? '' You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad.'' I think we have all had this feeling, on some level, everyone knows there is something wrong with the world. Charles Eisenstein does a mind-blowing job of telling it exactly like it is, but unlike in The Matrix, he pits no one side against another, and instead shows that all we know from the current mess we find our world in, is simply from one story. There is no 'evil', no enemy, no one to be conquered. All these ideas (including The Matrix!!) are from the old narrative of our world: 'The Story of Separation'. His message is a simple one. There is a new narrative being created: The Story of Interbeing. We all know the truth of this story, underneath the conditioning and 'normalising' of our suffering, despair and disconnectedness. We feel it at moments, this deeper knowing: ' 'we find it in the body, in the woods, in the water, in the soil. We find it in music, dance, and sometimes in poetry. We find it in a baby's face, and in the adults' face behind the mask. We find it in each other's eyes... in an embrace... in laughter and sobs, and we find it in the voice behind the spoken word. We find it in fairy tales and myths... in silence and stillness... in pain and loss... in birth and death.'' We know it's there and yet struggle to stay in it every day. We need a community of people around us, who also have seen that place, who remind us: it's real! But it is already working: the old story truly is collapsing. I see it everywhere: the lack of faith in our government systems, our struggle when it comes to money, the destruction of our environment. People are realising all the time that these narratives are false, they just have such a hold on us that it's difficult to see the new story emerge. We are now in the space between stories, and it's going to be messy! But how massively exciting!! Truth is given to us through those things listed above: it's a gift. Be grateful for it, embrace it, and know that reading these words shows that you are receiving it right now! Read this book, seriously, if you read no other book ever, read this one. Our hearts do know a more beautiful world is possible, and we can reach it. I cannot emphasise enough how much this book meant to me, how much relief I felt when I recognised those words, as if I'd been waiting my whole life to read them. charleseisenstein.net
I was given a wonderful gift: Milk and Honey, a collection of poems by Rupi Kaur. Her themes of femininity, love, loss, trauma and healing are so raw and open that the reader cannot help but be affected. The beauty and simplicity of her medium lends the reader to relate the sentiment to his or her own life. A stunning book and one that deeply moved me. Here are a few of my favourites... THE HURTING... THE LOVING... THE BREAKING... THE HEALING... ON WOMEN... Dorothy Maclean is the sole surviving co-founder of Findhorn Eco Community (read about it!). Now aged 96 she is still living in the community, and keeps actively involved.
Her communication with nature led to the growth and fame of Findhorn. I recently read one of her books 'Messages From God', which is all about love. So I thought I'd share some of her words of wisdom here: Miraculous Love Step into love and let it reign in your heart and do its miracle work. Nothing but love can banish your ills, your gloom, your despair, and the uneasiness that makes you ponder your actions. Step into love, and become light and free. Pay homage to love. Love comes first If you put love first and do even the most ordinary things with love, elements of wonder, openness, purpose or rightness are present. With love the most ordinary event takes on completely different colours. So practice love's presence all day long, whatever you do, and every event will be lit up with hitherto unknown radiance. Sharing Peace When you give me your heart, a wonderful lightness, joy and harmony pervades your whole being. In the midst of turmoil you are shielded in an all-persuasive gentleness. Take this gift of peace to share with those who know no peace. The harried and distressed will respond. - Dorothy Maclean I once met a simple, middle aged, unassuming man with walking boots and a backpack on,
who told me a little thing about love. His name is Chris Clark, from Scotland, and he had been travelling around Europe and the UK to meet people. He was softly spoken, but passionate with his well-thought out words. He was spreading a simple message about love. No flamboyancy, no pretentiousness, no desperate passion, only simplicity. And his message appealed to me because this has been my experience with love: simple, unassuming, easy, peaceful. His aim is to bring people together as one, in peace and harmony, helping each other shine with love. Love can bring an end to human suffering. Please visit his beautiful website and share his message. Bring a little love to your life today: www.theprayerforlove.world |
June 2017
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