![]() I am a creative bloke, nothing special, just creative. I’ve recently realised that throughout my life I have never looked for work or ever been to a job interview! There is one exception to the rule where I landed a warehouseman’s job on the strength of wearing my mate’s trousers that had neon blue flecks all over them! But all the jobs I’ve ever had were ‘handed to me on a plate’ as it were, some of them I didn’t even want but did them to stop friends pestering me. All my jobs have been great fun with great bosses who have always given me a certain amount of autonomy within whatever job I was doing. My last job was a Degree lecturer in Sequential Illustration. At the time there was only two of us lecturing on this type of course in the whole country so I was very fortunate, and it was just around the corner from where I lived. As I didn’t want to do it I cheekily asked ''could you not pay me more money?'' They said there was a starting wage and when I have been working there several years I could go up a pay grade. I said I’d do it if they paid me the top pay grade from the start. And this they did! To top it all I do not have a degree myself which I thought was funny. Like everything in life I try to do the best I can and attempt to better myself in the process. I also read a lot and watch many, many lectures on every subject you can imagine except sports and classical music, it just doesn’t resonate with me. I write and draw comic strips… and this is what I taught for 12 years part time. My wife and I have not worked a full week each for at least 19 years. We have always been able to dove-tail our jobs so she worked three days and so did I until I went to two days a week. This helped enormously with home educating our children, we never sent them to play group or such like and they never attended school until they were in their teens. The social life was immense while the children grew up… while we were home educating there were about 60 families in and around our town alone, we knew of them all. I was a leader in the Woodcraft folk and knew lots of people in and around the local pubs. I knew hundreds of people’s names, which I found quite extraordinary at the time what with teaching 70 different students a week and having to get on with all the University staff as well! We never vaccinated any of our children ever. We rarely see a doctor, preferring the alternative practitioners instead as they actually do some good. I would advise never seeing a doctor or letting anyone stick any needle in you for whatever reason. If you’re in an accident, they’re great, everything else, steer clear and avoid synthetic drugs! I have studied medical corruption and psychology for 35 years and these help in writing and making health decisions. I am now a househusband as well as a creative artist. But I am a man first, art must always be secondary in my book. Being a husband and a father and doing your own housework is important before the art malarkey. Actually how can anyone be a real artist if they put themselves in an Ivory tower and have that feeling of self importance… that’s just your ego, what would that artist have to say that’s of any relevance? I subscribe to the concept of cleaning your own house, if its too big… downsize, but take some responsibility. I am interested in all areas of subject matter from Astro-theology to Zionism and everything in between. I have no truck with any organised religion, this includes Government, Money, the New Age Movement, Fiat/Materialist Science and Atheism… they are all religions and systems of faith over fact and control… ‘mind control’ if you will. With the regular religions I dip into and enjoy the Koran, Bible, I-Ching, Talmud, Torah, Satanic Bible etc… and many more holy books and the works of occultists and secret societies. As for politics the same people control all of the different parties worldwide so it’s simply a farce to even vote, you’re just voting for different sort of criminal, a different master who has no interest in your welfare, and has never had. We see the NHS as one of those so called wonderful things that happened through the political system, but in reality it is the Big Pharmaceutical companies that control our hospitals, doctor’s and nurse’s training and our health system in general, which is an inversion because they really control the mass slaughter of society by doing away with us slowly, hence the term ‘killing us softly.’ The same people control the banking, oil and music industries as well. If you spend time looking at how the mafia runs its operations you will see amazing similarities with how most governments operate. Indeed the etymology of the word government is ‘mind control’. Govern means 'control' in Latin and ‘ment’ is from ‘mens’ which means ‘mind’ in Latin. So there you see, the use of etymology is insightful and you wonder why they don’t teach these subjects in school, like employment law, sacred geometry and the like. Wouldn’t school be interesting then? But school is there to indoctrinate not educate, you’re best educating yourself by avoiding schools, colleges and universities altogether. When you finally get your graduation (using phonetics = gradual-indoctrination) you will be under a lot of enforced occulted mind control. Occulted simply means ‘hidden’ it is nothing to be scared of. I see politics as a great circus tent act with people in the ring entertaining us… we cheer or boo at the performers. Peopled with the likes Farage, Cameron, Thatcher, Blair, Boris, Clinton, Bush or Trumps who perform for us. I have no interest with any thing any politician has to say, at worst they are war criminals and involve themselves in abusing children in various rings and at best they are manipulated, like the Greens over climate change… there is no climate change or global warming if you prefer, it is merely a hoax set up by oil companies. Do your research and you will see that this is true. I’m interested in who owns the circus tent, who is counting the money, who’s putting on these characters for our entertainment and enslavement? I am also thinking about the terms and meanings of Collectivism and Individualism, and I am firmly stood in the Individualism camp, which simply means everyone is an individual and everyone has worth and potential. And I mean everyone on this planet, all the humans and indeed ultimately extended to all animals. Everyone is important, not one person left out, you do whatever you want as long as everyone around can do what they want without harming anyone else, or animal. It’s every individual’s responsibility, to help those who need it, nobody gets left behind. Everyone is fed and sheltered and must have the means to express themselves… it is not about being selfish, it is the opposite of selfish, it is existing under natural law. Then you have the ideology of collectivism which we do live under… all political parties are in essence collectivist. The extremes of collectivism, is to be found in totalitarianism, and simply read the books Brave New World (Order) by Aldous Huxley and 1984 by George Orwell. Both these books were not solely works of fiction but rather warnings of what awaits us in the future under collectivism. Then ask yourself about smart phones, smart meters, smart tvs etc that can spy on you and listen and watch you in your own homes. The micro-waves personal phones emit. Chemtrails falling from the sky impregnating us with nano-particule technology. The poison Flouride in water and in bottled water. GMOs. Chemicals in your clothes. The list goes on. We are being cooked, sprayed, looked on, listened to and eventually they’ll want us chipped… that way anyone complaining can be simply switched off... all your money gone! Huxley was Orwell’s lecturer and friend from university, they were both members of secret societies, and this is where they first heard of what is planned for us, so they each wrote books as warnings. Collectivism means everything for the group, so individuals can be sacrificed for the group. Young men sent to wars, sacrificed for the group! All must be vaccinated for ‘herd’ immunity. Even schools and universities act for the good of their school not the individual student, they can be sacrificed for the greater good, I have heard educators say this where I’ve worked, ‘This is not about the pupil its about our standing in the league tables its about our assessment, how we are seen and judged.’ So the individual student can be sacrificed for the group, like Richard Dawkins saying its better to kill a Down’s Syndrome child at birth, sacrifice it for the greater group. But as the wonderful Edward Griffin says, the word ‘group’ is an abstract concept meaning more than one in mathematics. A group of people in reality are many individuals together, you cannot touch a group, but you can touch an individual. The same with forest, another abstract word, you cannot touch a forest but you can touch an individual tree, you cannot see a forest but individual trees. Collectivism is found in all the terrible ideologies from Fascism to Communism to totalitarianism and anything else that thwarts a person’s freedom and right to be whoever they can be. Fracking is another collectivist concept case in point, in Lancashire the council said no to fracking but the government overturned their decision for the so-called greater good of the country, so Lancashire will be sacrificed for the group. It is simply sickening evidence of no democracy and no community influence. I will do whatever I can to spread truths where I find them. Being creative is part of this action. True spirituality is where truth lies, anarchy is a wonderful system of living in the true spirit of spirituality and individualism with no hierarchy or authority. You have to accept you are no better or worse than any other creature on this planet to live under natural law. ‘An’ means ‘Without’ in Greek and ‘Archy’ means ‘Rulers’ in Greek… therefore Anarchy simply means ‘Without Rulers’ it does not mean without rules, which you are falsely taught. Anarchy, like individualism means everyone is important and because of that no one is sacrificed for the group, so there would be no armies, no police, no borders, no poverty, no lawyers, no religions, no money etc and this, folks is what we have to visualise if we want a world away from tyranny and collectivism. Everything created must first be visualised. We all have work to do. Remember no one in France liked the French resistance during the second world war. But they were vindicated at the end of it all. About three years ago we went through a process we have since found out many other people are going through, a kind of spiritual awakening. We are blessed and we have to take responsibility for telling the truth. As George Orwell puts it in these two quotes, ‘The further a society drifts from truth the more it will hate those that speak it.’ And ‘Freedom is the right to tell people what they don’t want to hear.’ I will end by telling you something that you might not want to hear. We are, as a world, run and enslaved by Satanists, coming from Astro-Theology, which is worship of the planets especially the planet Saturn, which is another word for Satan. Satanism is the oldest religion and the biggest religion, it is behind every religion we know. So to be religious is to be a Satanist. Satanists regularly steal children for ritualistic sexual abuse and ritual sacrifice. It is happening right now and lawyers, judges, politicians, industrialists, military, police, priests, holy men of every persuasion and secret society members are all involved in this psychopathic depravity. Virgin sacrifice simply means pre-pubescent, this is why they target children. Thousands of children go missing every year, and what happens to them is beyond comprehension. For us to look the other way and pretend it isn’t happening is evil, it simply cannot be anything else. To be truly spiritual you have to look into the abyss and act, it’s not only about meditating and pretending everything is all love and peace. We want love and peace and we destroy fear with love. Love is also truth, and telling it might be hard but that is the way of love. Because to pretend certain things are not happening is to put one’s head in the sand, and when your head is in the sand your arse is in the air and you will be fucked one way or the other! I’m for truth, no matter who tells it.
I’m for justice, no matter who it is for or against. I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole. - Malcolm X Much love and blessings to all who are reading. Love, finding and telling the truth is what’s needed now more than ever. Love, Roge X Website: www.balspeer.com Follow Roge on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BalSpeerOfficial
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